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AED sign-page-001Salem, OR (Feb 12, 2016). In order to increase the rate of survival rate for cardiac arrest in Salem, the Salem Fire Foundation (SFF) will be making Automated Emergency Defibrillators (AED) available for the community to purchase or to obtain through a grant at

Sudden Cardiac Arrest kills more than 383,000 Americans each year. When sudden cardiac arrest occurs, the heart stops abruptly, without warning. For every minute that elapses, the chance of survival diminishes by 10 percent. Salem currently has a save rate of 41 percent, the Salem Fire Foundation wants to see that number climb above 65 percent.

Since its creation early last year, the Salem Fire Foundation has raised funds to purchase 114 new AED units. Sixty-four of these units were placed in Salem Police Department vehicles last month and the other 50 are available for grant or purchase by Salem businesses and organizations. While full grants are available, the SFF encourages people, wanting to support the Foundation’s work, to consider fully purchasing an AED and case.

The Foundation wants to make sure that AED’s are placed strategically throughout the community. They will consider population and ease of AED access, with priority given to nonprofits and organizations that serve populations at risk for a sudden cardiac incident. They are hoping, however, that most people choose to purchase them at full price.

THe Foundation hopes that citizens will obtain their AED’s through their organization. When a business purchases an AED and case at the retail price from SFF, one half of that purchase will be considered a charitable deduction to the Foundation,” said SFF Executive Director Mary Louise VanNatta. “This is a life saving investment and well worth it.”

Those interested in purchasing an AED, receiving a full grant or receiving a partial grant can request one online at Salem Fire Foundation asks that all businesses or organizations receiving an AED train 20% of their staff on how to use the AED, have regular maintenance checks on the AED and register the AED with PulsePoint, a mobile phone app that shows users the location of the closest available AED.


Salem Fire Foundation is a private, non-profit 501(c)3 dedicated to assisting the Salem Fire Department achieve its core mission of saving lives through the funding of various fire department programs. Please contact 503-371-7457 or