Newest slate of officers

Salem Fire Foundation Elects New Slate of Officers

We’re pleased to announce our 2021 slate of officers and newly-added advisory board member!

President: Monica Pacheco

Monica has served as president since January of 2020 and will continue until 2022.

Vice President: Lesa Goff

Lesa has been Vice President since January of 2020 and will also continue until 2022.

Secretary: Breanna Mullings 

Breanna became a board member in January and was elected as secretary in April.

Treasurer: Jay Leverett

Jay became a Board member in February and was elected as treasurer in June.

Immediate Past President: Ray Sagner

Ray was president from 2019 to 2020 and will hold the position of immediate past president until 2022.

Nicholas Grice: Advisory Board  

Nicholas was brought on to the advisory board in March.