Salem fire foundation

Salem Fire Foundation Forms

Salem, salem-fire-foundationOre. (Dec. 27, 2014) – Salem Fire Chief Mike Niblock has the formation of the Salem Fire Foundation (SFF).

At its first board meeting in December, SFF elected:  President, Danny Bisgaard; Vice President and Susan Moore Secretary-Treasurer, Ray Sagner. Also serving on the board: Gerry Frank; William “Bud” Pierce, MD; Alex Rhoten and Niblock.  Advisory Board Members include Janet Taylor; Kirk Walker, MD; Alison Kelley; Terri Walker, OD; Deputy Chief Skip Miller; and Salem Fire’s EMS Coordinator Jennifer Pratt.

Serving as staff and consultants include Mary Louise VanNatta, Executive Director; Ryan Collier, Attorney and Chuck Swank, Financial Management.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest kills more than 383,000 Americans each year. When sudden cardiac arrest occurs, the heart stops abruptly, without warning. For every minute that elapses, the chance of survival diminishes by 10 percent.

Niblock hopes the SFF will improve Salem citizen’s survival in the event of a cardiac arrest. Says Niblock, “Salem currently has a save rate of 36 percent – the Salem Fire Foundation wants to see that number climb above 60 percent.”

In order to reach this save rate, the Salem Fire Foundation is focusing on three major outreach activities:

  • Automatic External Defibrillators (AED’s) – Installation in all marked Salem Police vehicles (60 AED’s) needed for targeted public access locations. Early defibrillation with a shock by a defibrillator is the most effective means of resuscitation from all types of sudden cardiac arrest.
  • Community Wide citizen CPR and AED Training Classes – Early bystander Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training in conjunction with Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) activation can improve the chances of survival 2-3 fold. Our goal is to train 1000 citizens each year for a period of 10 years.
  • PulsePoint APP – The PulsePoint app alerts CPR-trained bystanders, to a cardiac emergency in your immediate vicinity as well as the closest Automated External Defibrillator (AED).

Niblock adds, “In order to accomplish these goals, community support is needed. This is important. It can’t wait. Lives depend on it.”

To learn more about SFF visit SFF, P.O. Box 2920, Salem, OR  97308-2920, 503-371-7457.

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About the Salem Fire Foundation: The Salem Fire Foundation (SFF) is a private, nonprofit 501(c) (3) dedicated to assisting the Salem Fire Department achieve its core mission of saving lives through the funding of the following programs: Community Outreach and Engagement in CPR and AED Training, Employee Recognition and Development, Fire Prevention and Risk Awareness, Service Enhancements, Assistance for Injured Firefighters and their Families, and Special Projects.