Monica pacheco june 2015

Pacheco Elected Board President of Salem Fire Foundation

Monica D. Pacheco has been elected president of the Salem Fire Foundation (SFF) board.  Pacheco is an estate planning attorney and partner in  Douglas, Conroyd, Gibb & Pacheco, P.C.  She graduated from Willamette University College of Law in 2006.  Her practice concentrates on estate planning and elder law.

Pacheco has contributed to the SFF by leading the  “Wills for Heroes” program which provides wills for Salem firefighters.  Because of her expertise in local safety issues, she was appointed to serve on the 2018 City of Salem Revenue Task Force.

Lesa Goff of Bank of the Pacific will serve as the Vice-President and Blaze Itzaina of Citizen’s Bank will be Secretary-Treasurer.

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About the Salem Fire Foundation: The Salem Fire Foundation (SFF) is a private, non-profit 501(c)3 dedicated to assisting the Salem Fire Department achieve its core mission of saving lives through the funding of the following programs: Community Outreach and Engagement in CPR and AED Training, Employee Recognition and Development, Fire Prevention and Risk Awareness, Service Enhancements, Assistance for Injured Firefighters and their Families, and Special Projects.  Salem Fire Foundation, PO Box 2920, Salem, OR, 97308-2920, 503-371-7457,